When you install the IBM® Rational® Software Architect product package, you can choose to extend an Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) already installed on your computer by adding the functions that the product package contains.
Rational Software Architect is bundled with a version of the Eclipse IDE or workbench; this bundled workbench is the base platform on top of which the functionality in Rational Software Architect is provided. If you have an Eclipse IDE on your workstation, then you have the option to extend it, which means that you add to your current Eclipse IDE the additional functionality provided in Rational Software Architect.
Extending an Eclipse IDE adds the functions of the newly installed product, but maintains your IDE preferences and settings. Previously installed plug-ins are also still available.
Your Eclipse IDE and JRE must be at least at the minimum version levels that the product requires. Installation Manager checks that the Eclipse instance that you specify meets the requirements for the installation package. In general, for Rational Software Architect you need Eclipse version 3.6 or later.