Eclipse Photon(4.8)单步调试Step Over(F6)时,不能及时选中

Eclipse Photon(4.8)单步调试Step Over(F6)时,不能及时选中


1.1、Eclipse 增加断点调试程序,程序跑到断点时,自动切换到“Debug”窗口。代码主窗口选中增加断点的行,但有时需要等待很长时间才选中,非常耽误时间。


2.1、由于之前用的Eclipse Kepler4.3没有此问题,对比两个Eclipse的配置,发现Preferences-Java-Debug路径,有一个选项“Use advanced source lookup(JRE 1.5 and higher)”,默认勾选状态。


2.2、取消勾选“Use advanced source lookup(JRE 1.5 and higher)”,Apply and Close,重启Eclipse,再次跟踪程序时很快选中断点。可能是关联源码时很慢造成的。解决此问题能节省很多时间,这正印证了一句话,磨刀不误砍柴工。功欲善其事,必先利其器。




1、Eclipse Photon(4.8)的升级说明。

More precise advanced source lookup implementation, particularly useful when debugging applications that load classes dynamically at runtime.

New org.eclipse.jdt.launching.workspaceProjectDescribers extension point can be used to enable advanced source lookup for projects with non-default layout, like PDE Plug-In projects.

New org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourceContainerResolvers can be used to download sources jar files from remote artifact repositories, like Maven Central or Eclipse P2.

Advanced source lookup affects debug launches only and can be enabled or disabled with Java > Debug > Use advanced source lookup (JRE 1.5 and higher) preference option。



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