Allows using Eclipse’s Java code formatter directly from IntelliJ. Solves the problem of maintaining a common code style in team environments where both IDEA and Eclipse are used.
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Eclipse Paho Java MQTT client library. Paho is an Eclipse IoT project.
The Paho Java Client is an MQTT client library written in Java for developing applications that run on the JVM or other Java compatible platforms such as Android
The Paho Java Client provides two APIs: MqttAsyncClient provides a fully asynchronous API where completion of activities is notified via registered callbacks. MqttClient is a synchronous wrapper around MqttAsyncClient where functions appear synchronous to the application.
Project description:
The Paho project has been created to provide reliable open-source implementations of open and standard messaging protocols aimed at new, existing, and emerging applications for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT). Paho reflects the inherent physical and cost constraints of device connectivity. Its objectives include effective levels of decoupling between devices and applications, designed to keep markets open and encourage the rapid growth of scalable Web and Enterprise middleware and applications.
Bazel Eclipse Feature (BEF) and Bazel Java Language Server (BJLS)
This repo holds two IDE projects. One is the Eclipse Feature for developing Bazel projects in Eclipse. The Bazel Eclipse Feature supports importing, building, and testing Java projects that are built using the Bazel build system. The other is the Bazel Java Language Server, which is a build integration for IDEs such as VS Code.
Eclipse GlassFish
Eclipse GlassFish is a Jakarta EE compatible implementation sponsored by the Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 is also Java EE 8 Compatible.
Eclipse hawkBit™
Eclipse hawkBit is an domain independent back end solution for rolling out software updates to constrained edge devices as well as more powerful controllers and gateways connected to IP based networking infrastructure.
MyEclipse 2020.9.16 is Here with Quarkus, Docker & OpenShift
This release of MyEclipse is so full of new features, we don’t know where to begin! With improved Java 14 support, a new base version of Eclipse (2020-06), Wild Web Developer integration, and “container city” with Quarkus, OpenShift and Docker, this release has all bases covered.
Java Improvements and Java 14
MyEclipse now ships and runs on Java 14, so you are ready for this version of Java out of the box. Of course, you can continue to work with and compile against earlier versions of Java.Specifically on Java 14, there’s a new Record wizard and template, along with support for the new Switch Expressions and text blocks. Do note that some of these are preview features which must be specifically enabled using Configure > Enable preview features from the project’s context menu.
General Java development has received performance improvements in the form of non-blocking completions for content assist. Our other favorite features are the ability to inspect synthetic variables during debug and the new code clean up options.
If you haven’t heard of Quarkus yet, now’s the time! It’s a Kubernetes Native Java stack for HotSpot or the GraalVM, using the best Java libraries and standards out there. We’ve integrated Quarkus Tools from JBoss Tools to bring Quarkus support to MyEclipse. What support are we talking about?The new Quarkus Project Wizard helps you easily select the required dependencies when creating a project.
The application.properites file is where you configure Quarkus applications. The editor provides detailed content assist for properties, based on your project’s configuration and it will also validate the file.
The Quarkus Application launch configuration can be used to run and debug your application.
Docker and OpenShift
Need to manage the scores of Docker images you have and containers you have running? Look no further than the integrated Docker Explorer. You can download images using the Pull Wizard, customize how you run them with the launch configuration, and a handy Dockerfile editor to easily configure your container. Our Docker support comes from Eclipse’s Linux Tools Project and you can find out more about the tooling here.Now, if you’re developing on OpenShift, we’ve integrated Open Shift tooling from JBoss Tools—a wizard to create new OpenShift applications, Server view integration allowing you to start and stop your container, as well as a dedicated Open Shift Explorer are just the highlights of this feature set. In the coming weeks watch out for more content from us, helping you make the most of MyEclipse for container development and deployment.
Wild Web Developer
With the integration of Eclipse’s Wild Web Developer (WWD) project, support for a number of additional web languages/frameworks is now available in MyEclipse. Several technologies supported by WWD are already supported by vanilla MyEclipse, with advanced support for these and more available if you’ve been using CodeMix. The WWD integration works alongside existing support so that you now have the power to choose the tools that suit your needs. To use the WWD support instead of in-built MyEclipse support, bring up the context menu on the file, and choose Open With > Generic Editor. -
Genuitec Revamps the Eclipse IDE for Web Development with Major CodeMix Update
Genuitec, a leader in the Eclipse community, announces the release of CodeMix’s Summer Refresh, a major update that includes new capabilities and interface experiences, making CodeMix the ideal tool suite for modern web development for the Eclipse IDE.
Eclipse is known for stellar Java development tools. CodeMix now provides the same best-in-class functionality across numerous web technologies and languages. Together, Eclipse IDE with CodeMix enables Enterprise developers to build next generation applications using the IDE they are already familiar with.
“This release brings new ways to facilitate development beyond just better coding”, said Tim Webb, Genuitec’s VP of Operations. “A principle focus was ensuring our users would have a successful and productive experience coding with CodeMix. For instance, Live Preview is now exposed naturally to users in a way that has never been done before in Eclipse, debugging just works as expected, and modern web servers fit seamlessly into your development flow. As you go through every area of our product, you find it more robust, more natural to use.”
Live Preview 2.0 introduced in this release integrates an intelligent browser right inside the IDE, which is aware of your development context. By leveraging knowledge of the software being developed, CodeMix ensures developers can quickly preview and iterate their application designs. Advanced programmers can optimize flows further to prefill forms or configure which testing URLs are the best for each file they are coding.
A high percentage of new application development is now being done using “modern web technologies” including Vue, React and Angular. These technologies require developers to transition out of historic Enterprise paradigms, and CodeMix facilitates this by detecting and intuitively exposing these servers inside the IDE. For instance, when looking to preview an application under development, Live Preview 2.0 guides the developer to start the server. This same smooth integration is available in other areas of the IDE, including visualizing servers in a Servers view to allow easy management.
The CodeMix Summer Refresh includes other improvements for developers including Code Folding in the editor for better visualization of code blocks, and simplified navigation within and to other files via an integrated Breadcrumb bar. From integrated previewing of Markdown files to significant improvements in debugging, this release is packed with new functionality.
使用 OSGi 和 Eclipse Concierge 创建物联网应用程序
在 2000 年,当 OSGi 联盟 (OSGi Alliance) 发布其第一批规范时,就十分明确地以嵌入式设备为目标。可以用两个重要的观察结果来恰当地概括 OSGi 的动机:- 嵌入式系统的软件是动态的(组件不断变化);
- 因为这些设备的使用寿命较长,软件需要保持一直有效,不能经常中断用户操作。
后者已通过 bundle(Java® 代码的模块化单元,可以单独加载、卸载和更新)实现,只会影响直接依赖于它们的其他 bundle。前者导致了服务的引入,服务是将接口与实现分离的轻量级实体,它们保存在一个中央服务注册表中,以便减少模块间的耦合。服务由一个事件系统进行补充,用于向正在使用的 bundle 通知服务可用性中发生了哪些变化。
当时流行的设备包括,电视机顶盒、“互连家居” 网关和个人数字助理 (PDA),还包括对未来毫无危险意识的人们称之为 “智能手机” 的设备。2006 年,还在 Sharp Zaurus 和 Nokia Communicators 的年代,我对流行的 OSGi 框架实现占用越来越大的空间,及其死板的运行时行为越来越感到失望,我开始在我的 硕士论文 中关注 Concierge。我试图用尽可能少的代码实现 OSGi R3 规范,该规范最终成为了一个 86 kiB 的 JAR 文件。与此同时,我降低了代码的复杂性,并利用了使该框架在 JVM 上运行性能大幅提高的优化,这种优化常用于移动设备和嵌入式设备上。这些设备往往缺乏充分的 JIT 编译器的支持。我想在不进行任何妥协的情况下获得 OSGi 为嵌入式软件提供的好处。
十五年后,嵌入式设备中的 CPU 平均速度几乎可以与 OSGi 婴儿期的高端台式机 CPU 相当。传感器变得经济实惠且无所不在,例如,在手机中。将智能设备的不同岛屿互联起来,并将它们变成智能外界环境,这种趋势仍在继续,并导致物联网 (IOT) 得到广泛普及。即使有了这一切,最初推动 OSGi 的主要因素并没有发生改变。从有利的一面讲,由于物联网固有的分布式特点,物联网的部署仍然活跃,甚至可能更加活跃。遗憾的是,在嵌入式设备上实现 OSGi 框架的速度仍然比预期望的慢,而且众所周知,它们很难设置。Eclipse Concierge
Eclipse Concierge 团队继续开发旧的 R3 实现,将它变成一个现代化的 R5 实现,并且不损害设计原则,也不会丢失嵌入式设备的关注重点。现在,我们已经通过所有相关的合规性测试,并发布了新的 Concierge 的第一个主要版本。此 版本被称为 5.0.0,与它所实现的 OSGi 核心规范的修订保持一致。最好的消息是,尽管功能和 API 方面的标准明显增加了,但 Eclipse Concierge R5 没有调试符号的 JAR 的占用空间仍低于 250 kiB,有调试符号的 JAR 的占用空间则低于 330 kiB。此外,在启动时间和服务注册表性能方面,我们测量到了相对于其他框架的明显性能优势。我们将在未来继续优化 Concierge 服务。除了保持代码的快速和精益特征之外,我们还专注于让 Concierge 像 OSGi 框架一样易于使用。创建 Concierge 部署主要包括,将框架 JAR 和 bundle 复制到设备,然后创建一个 init.xargs 文件,该文件类似于 Knopflerfish 使用的文件。该文件的内容可以包括 Java 属性声明或指令,比如,安装、启动或 istart(安装并启动)bundle。为了让创建启动文件比那的更容易、更简洁,Concierge 支持对声明的系统变量进行了变量替换,还支持在文件名中使用通配符。从清单 1 中可以看出这一点,它可以使用替代变量来分析出常见的 URL 和通配符,使部署可以灵活地切换到外壳 bundle 的不同每夜构建 (nightly build)。
Build a cloud-native Java app using Codewind and your favorite IDE
Eclipse Codewind is an open source project that makes it easier for developers to create cloud-native applications within their favorite IDE. Currently, Codewind supports Visual Studio Code, Eclipse IDE and Eclipse Che.
Codewind enables you to create applications from templates and provide support for launching, updating, testing, and debugging in Docker containers on the desktop. Codewind also supports these features on Kubernetes. You can use Codewind to move existing applications to Docker and Kuberenetes. Codewind provides validation to ensure that applications follow best practices.
This tutorial shows you how to develop a cloud-native Java applications using Codewind with both the Eclipse and VS Code IDE.
Working with Codewind on Eclipse IDE
This section shows you how to install Codewind on the Eclipse IDE and use it to build a Java application.Prerequisites
Download and install the latest Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or use an existing installation. Eclipse IDE versions 4.11.0 onwards support Codewind.
Install Docker
Install Codewind
Open the Eclipse IDE and navigate to Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
Search for Codewind.
Click Install.
Finish the wizard and accept licenses as needed. Codewind Install for Eclipse
When the installation is complete, restart Eclipse.
In Eclipse, navigate to Window -> Show View -> Other…. -> Codewind -> Codewind Explorer. Codewind Explorer View
Codewind requires the installation of additional Docker images to run. Double-click on the Codewind item in the Codewind Explorer view to complete the installation. The installation may take a few minutes to complete. Codewind Start
Codewind creates a folder called codewind-workspace within your home directory (~/codewind-workspace on mac) to contain your projects.
This codewind-workspace can be accessed across editors. If you have created Codewind projects in Eclipse IDE, then those projects can be accessed from Visual Studio code’s Codewind plugin because of the codewind-workspace folder that is compatible across editors.Project templates
Codewind provides a set of templates you can use to create a project. The templates are of different types:Standard Codewind templates
Kabanero Collections
Appsody Stacks – appsodyhub
Some of the templates available now are include Go, Lagom Java, Node.js Express, Open Liberty, Python, Sprint Boot, Swift, WebSphere Liberty Microprofile, Loopback, and more.You can create your own template and use it to create a project. Learn more in the Codewind documentation.
Create and run a microprofile project
In this tutorial, let’s create a project using the WebSphere Liberty Microprofile template available in Codewind.In the Codewind Explorer view, ensure that Codewind is running. If not, double click Codewind to start Codewind.
Upon start, expand the Codewind item and right click on Local Projects and click New Project.
Enter a name for the project and select WebSphere Liberty MicroProfile under templates. Click Finish to create the project. Create Project
A new project is created with all the required directories and files for a cloud-native Java application. Note that Dockerfile and pom.xml are created with the necessary entries. You can edit the files to suit your needs. Project Structure
The project is automatically built, deployed, and started.
A context menu on the project enables you to open your application in a browser, view application and build logs, restart in debug mode, and much more. Refer to Codewind documentation for the list of context menu items and their functionality.
In the Codewind Explorer view, right click on the project that was created in the above step, and click Open Application. This opens the application in the default Eclipse browser. You can start using the application. Before modification
Modify the application
It is easy to make changes to your application and deploy them. Let’s modify the file under src/main/java/application/rest/v1 so you can see how easy it is to change things.Modify file
Change the display message to Congratulations, your modified application is up and running!!!.
Save the file.
Wait for a few moments for the changes to automatically build and deploy.
Now check the application by invoking the rest api http://localhost:xxxx/v1/example on your browser. You should get the port number from the home page of the application link from browser.
The modified message should be displayed. I hope you got a sense of how easy it is to make changes to a cloud-native application and test the changes instantly.